One of my greatest and ongoing struggles is to make the most of the greatest gift we have been given- the gift of time! Here are some thoughts that have challenged me...oh and thanks for taking the time to read this ;)
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.-Gandhi
Lost time is never found again.- Benjamin Franklin
"Therefore be very careful how you live—not as unwise but as wise, taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15, 16.
"What is the purpose of a Christian?
Satan makes special efforts to use the pleasures and amusements of this world to distract us from the solemn realities of scenes that are not far off in the future. The pleasures of this world are infatuating but are they worth sacrificing the friendship of Heaven and the peace and joy it affords us? We are not on this earth to please ourselves but to benefit humanity and be a blessing to society." E. White
There's nothing wrong with innocent comforts and pleasures and recreation but if our own own comfort and pleasure is our main purpose in life, then, in God's eyes, we are not really 'alive' (because our days here on earth are so short from God's perspective).. "They who live for pleasure are dead even while they live." 1 Timothy 5:6
How are you using your time?
“LORD, help me to know my end,
And what is the measure of my days..
Certainly every man at his best state is but a shadow,
Surely they busy themselves in vain;
He heaps up riches,
And does not know who will gather them.
And now, Lord, what do I wait for?
My hope is in You."
Psalms 39
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